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Music 2024


Henri Werner

Release Date March 22



whos`s to blame

Henri Werner, Solina

who`s to blame dives into a character wrestling with self-doubt and betrayal. The lyrics paint a picture of confusion and frustration as Solina questions her own choices and the motives of others. This internal struggle leads to a feeling of isolation and helplessness.

The song opens with Solina`s feeling like the villain, battling their intuition and facing a sense of defeat. Lines like “Why do you always win?” hint at a power struggle or manipulation by another person.

The repeated “Shut Up” throughout the song could symbolize that Solina is desperately trying to silence the conflicting voices in their head or block out accusations. It might also represent a desire to cut ties with a toxic relationship.

The second verse reveals a sense of betrayal and shattered trust. Solina realizes someone they trusted didn’t have their best interests at heart. The line “You never wanted me to hold onto your soul” suggests a feeling of being used or discarded.

whos´s to blame explores the complexities of relationships and the internal battles that arise from feeling misunderstood and betrayed. The song’s powerful lyrics and delivery portray a raw and honest struggle for clarity amidst emotional turmoil.



COPYCAT (Billie Eilish Cover)

Henri Werner

This song, a cover of Billie Eilish’s “COPYCAT,” captures the frustration of dealing with imitators who steal your style, mannerisms, and image. The singer delivers a warning: trying to be them is a losing game. Originality and individuality are what set them apart, and those qualities can’t be copied. The imitators are unwelcome intruders, and they should stop trying to be someone they’re not. The song also critiques our image-obsessed culture where copying seems easier than being authentic.

